
Conor MacDonald Beaton.
Dunblane/Isle of Skye.

Bio: My name is Conor, I am a student of political science currently studying at Stirling university in Scotland, I am interested in most broad topics of current affairs, however I have a particular interest in Scottish politics, especially constitutional discourse pertaining to Scotland's place within the United Kingdom. I am a strong believer in independence for Scotland and this is reflected in many of my somewhat left leaning political views. This is something which I will continue to support through my voluntary work for the SNP and the broader independence movement. additionally my broader political interests are Land reform and the place of the Gaelic language in Scotland, and its development with particular reference to 'The great Gaelic revival' which is in inverted commas to denote sarcasm for anyone who missed that. These are two issues which I am particularly interested in due to background and upbringing and therefore feel that they are of particular significance. I'm just your average nineteen year old really, enjoy the craic with my pals. Becoming increasingly fond of the pub! enjoy most sports, however I'm particularly keen on football and follow Glasgow Celtic as well as the Scottish national team, in addition to this I am also very keen on Shinty, and a frustrated Golfer I also closely follow darts if you class that as a sport! and like to fish in my spare time. This blog will document my opinions on current affairs, politics and will inadvertently end up talking about football and the wider world of sport from time to time! a bit of a rant really... You have been warned! Thanks for taking the time to read this, and please feel free to leave comments on any posts or articles I upload. le gach deagh dhùrachd, Conor.

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